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Where is my family from?
We're from Salisbury, in England. We've got a house near my school. The house has got four bedrooms, a garden, and a garage for my father's car. The garden is large with many trees and flowers. My family is big. I've got two sisters and one brother. My sister Ann is a university student. She is twenty, and she's very pretty. She isn't tall but she's slim. She's got long, fair hair and blue eyes.
My little sister Mary is ten. She's short, and she's got short, black hair and brown eyes. Her big hobby is animals. Our brother is fifteen. His name is Mickey. He's got short, wavy hair and grey eyes. His hobbies are ice hockey and computer games. We've got very nice parents. My mother's name is Linda. She is tall and slim, and she's got short, blonde hair and blue eyes. My mum's hobbies are our garden and cooking. She is a shop assistant in a small bookshop. My father's name is Paul. He's also quite tall, but he isn't very slim. He's got very short, grey hair and blue eyes. He is a dentist. And my name is Peter, and I'm nearly seventeen. I'm a student. I'm not very tall, and I've got dark brown hair and brown eyes. My hobbies are football, tennis and computers. We've also got some pets at home. The dog's name is Lassie and the cats' names are Black and White.

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